The SQVID config file

Every SQVID config file has basically two components: the [general] section and all the other sections that describe the configuration of respective validations.

The [general] section

This section is generally used to set up parameters that affect all validations that are defined in a single SQVID config file.

A sample [general] section may look as follows:

sqla = "sqlite:///test_sqvid_db.sqlite"
db_name = 'test_sqvid_db'

This parameter sets the so called Database URL that SQLAlchemy uses to connect to the database in which the data to be validated is located.


The name of the database in which the data to be validated is located. Although some connection engines would already have this specified in the sqla parameter, having it specified separately allows us much greater flexibility when generating validations.


By default, sqvid will report all rows that did not conform to a specific validation. This may not be desirable in all cases (i.e. when the expected amount of non-conforming rows is large)

The limit can be specified on per validation config basis using the limit parameter, such as in the following:

sqla = "sqlite:///test_sqvid_db.sqlite"
db_name = 'test_sqvid_db'
limit = 50

Definition of validations

Using the db_name mentioned above, validations are defined as arrays of TOML tables in the format of $db_name.$table_name.$column_name. Here is a simple example:

validator = 'unique'

As we can see the $db_name would in this case be test_sqvid_db, the suppliers would be the $table_name and SupplierID the $column_name.


the double brackets (that is [[ and ]]) around test_sqvid_db.suppliers.SupplierID denote “arrays of tables”. It means that test_sqvid_db.suppliers.SupplierID will not be a single table but rather an array. Among other things this allows us to define various validations for a single column. Here is a quick example:

validator = 'unique'

validator = 'in_range'
args = {min = 1, max = 256}

This example defines two validations on the test_sqvid_db.suppliers.SupplierID column: one with the unique validator and one with the in_range validator.

Once the database, table and column in which the data we want to validate is define, we can specify which validator to use and with what parameters. This can be done using he following set of parameters:


This (string) parameter needs to contain one of the validators described in Validators. For example:

validator = 'unique'

Arguments to be passed to the specified validator. They expressed as a TOML table and TOML supports various ways of describing those. All of the following definitions are functionally equal:

validator = 'in_range'
args = {min = 1, max = 256}

# is equivalent to

validator = 'in_range'
args.min = 1
args.max = 256

# is again equivalen to

validator = 'in_range'

  min = 1
  max = 256

For short arguments (and short values) the first way is preferable. In all other cases the second one should make a bit more sense, especially in terms of readability.


Validating a single columns is sometimes of little use as what we would really want to validate is result of combining multiple columns. That is exactly what custom_column is for: it allows for any custom SQL to be considered a “virtual” column onto which a validation can then be applied.

Suppose we would like to check whether the combination of the SupplierID and SupplierName is unique. We can easily do that using the custom_column parameter as in the example below:

validator = 'unique'
custom_column = "SupplierID || '-' || SupplierName"

The fact that a custom column is used gets represented in the printed report as well. The validator definition above would have resulted in something like the following:

PASSED: Validation on [test_sqvid_db] suppliers.SupplierID (customized as 'SupplierID || '-' || SupplierName') of unique

A “severity” of a validation defines what happens when it fails. It can be set to either error (the default) or warn. When set to warn, the validation will still report the results (i.e. which rows did not meet the validation criteria) but the validation will otherwise behave as if it passed.

Here is a quick example. Provided that the IDs stored in SupplierID would not have been unique, the following validator would only cause a warning – the sqvid call would still have ended with exit code 0, as if the validation has passed.

validator = 'in_range'
severity = 'warn'
args = {min = 3, max = 256}

Severity set to warn will also be presented in sqvid’s output – the sample output from the validation defined above can be found below:

FAILED (WARN ONLY): Validation on [test_sqvid_db] suppliers.SupplierID of in_range({'min': 3, 'max': 256})
Offending 2 rows:
|  SupplierID  |  SupplierName                |  ContactName       |  Address         |  City         |  PostalCode  |  Country  |  Phone           |
|           1  |  Exotic Liquid               |  Charlotte Cooper  |  49 Gilbert St.  |  Londona      |  EC1 4SD     |  UK       |  (171) 555-2222  |
|           2  |  New Orleans Cajun Delights  |  Shelley Burke     |  P.O. Box 78934  |  New Orleans  |  70117       |  USA      |  (100) 555-4822  |

With tables that have a large number of columns, it becomes quite difficult to just print out all the columns relevant to a specific validation that failed.

All columns are printed (or reported) by default. Using the report_columns parameter a subset of the column list can be selected.

For instance the following validation declaration

validator = 'in_range'
args = {min = 3, max = 256}

would result in the following output:

FAILED: Validation on [test_sqvid_db] suppliers.SupplierID of in_range({'min': 3, 'max': 256})
Offending 2 rows:
|  SupplierID  |  SupplierName                |  ContactName       |  Address         |  City         |  PostalCode  |  Country  |  Phone           |
|           1  |  Exotic Liquid               |  Charlotte Cooper  |  49 Gilbert St.  |  Londona      |  EC1 4SD     |  UK       |  (171) 555-2222  |
|           2  |  New Orleans Cajun Delights  |  Shelley Burke     |  P.O. Box 78934  |  New Orleans  |  70117       |  USA      |  (100) 555-4822  |

Whereas the following validation

validator = 'in_range'
report_columns = [
args = {min = 3, max = 256}

would then output the following:

FAILED: Validation on [test_sqvid_db] suppliers.SupplierID of in_range({'min': 3, 'max': 256})
Offending 2 rows:
|  SupplierID  |  SupplierName                |
|           1  |  Exotic Liquid               |
|           2  |  New Orleans Cajun Delights  |

The limit of rows to report can also be specified per particular validation. This value defaults to the limit set on the validation config level.

For instance

validator = 'in_range'
report_columns = [
args = {min = 3, max = 256}
limit = 1

would report only a single offending row.

This configuration option also allows one to selectively turn off the limit set on the validation config level. For instance

validator = 'in_range'
report_columns = [
args = {min = 3, max = 256}
limit = false

would report all offending rows, regardless of what the setting of limit in the general section was.